Results for 'Ana Esteves Bortolanza'

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  1. O Caráter De Publicização Da Leitura Na Obra De Comênio.Ana Esteves Bortolanza - 2013 - Educação E Filosofia 27 (53).
    RESUMO: Este artigo tem por objetivo explicitar o caráter de publicização da leitura em Comênio. Para isso, analisa os condicionantes sociopolíticos, históricos e religiosos que permeiam as questões didático-pedagógicas pensadas pelo grande pedagogo. Em sua obra Didáctica Magna – Tratado da Arte Universal de Ensinar Tudo a Todos, o caráter de publicização da leitura responde às necessidades que as novas relações sociais passaram a exigir em conseqüência da nova forma de produção da sociedade capitalista. Em sua didacografia, a nova arte (...)
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  2. New Approaches to Evaluating the Performance of Corporate–Community Partnerships: A Case Study from the Minerals Sector. [REVIEW]Ana Maria Esteves & Mary-Anne Barclay - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (2):189-202.
    A continuing challenge for researchers and practitioners alike is the lack of data on the effectiveness of corporate–community investment programmes. The focus of this article is on the minerals industry, where companies currently face the challenge of matching corporate drivers for strategic partnership with community needs for programmes that contribute to local and regional sustainability. While many global mining companies advocate a strategic approach to partnerships, there is no evidence currently available that suggests companies are monitoring these partnerships to see (...)
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    UNAMUNO, M.: Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los hombres y en los pueblos.Ana P. Esteve - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:303.
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    A educação física e as teorias do conhecimento.Ana Cláudia Saladini, Orlando Mendes Fogaça Júnior & Adrian Oscar Dongo Montoya - 2010 - Filosofia E Educação 2 (2):p - 156.
    Historicamente a disciplina de Educação Física esteve fundamentada nos conhecimentos das ciências biológicas, revelando uma concepção positivista do movimento humano. Pensamos que a Educação Física deve compreender melhor este ser humano que se movimenta e se reconstrói enquanto sujeito. Não basta apenas que faça as atividades práticas das aulas. É preciso que compreenda esta ação. A problemática que surge é: como o sujeito constrói conhecimento? Para responder, destacamos as teorias do apriorismo, empirismo e construtivismo, pois entendemos que explicam como o (...)
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    Disputas diplomáticas e imprensa após a Guerra do Paraguai: a Missão Mitre de 1872 no La Nación e no Jornal do Commercio.Ana Paula Barcelos Ribeiro da Silva - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (3):64-87.
    Neste artigo, analisamos a missão diplomática de Bartolomé Mitre no Brasil, em 1872, por meio das páginas do La Nación e do Jornal do Commercio. Em um contexto de fortes tensões e disputas territoriais, o historiador, general e ex-presidente argentino esteve no Rio de Janeiro a fim de garantir o Tratado de Aliança e a desocupação do território paraguaio por forças aliadas. Sua visita tem grande repercussão nas imprensas brasileira e argentina. Assim, conjugamos história, diplomacia e imprensa, pensando seu papel (...)
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    Psicologia social, educação e análise institucional: diálogos entre Paulo Freire, Gregório Baremblitt, bell hooks, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari.Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos (ed.) - 2023 - Curitiba, Brasil: Editora CRV.
    Este livro é uma coletânea internacional, transdisciplinar, formada por capítulos de pesquisas na pós-graduação por pesquisadores(as) de várias áreas do conhecimento que celebraram os cem anos de Paulo Freire, em 2021. O legado de Freire é articulado nesta obra com os estudos da Análise Institucional, com a Filosofia da Diferença e a educação como prática de libertação e transgressão. Também se materializa, neste conjunto de textos com autoria de vários países, uma homenagem in memoriam a Gregório Baremblitt, que faleceu em (...)
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    Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology.Massimiliano L. Cappuccio (ed.) - 2019 - MIT Press.
    The first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. This landmark work is the first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists that considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. With twenty-six chapters by leading researchers, the book connects and integrates findings from fields that range from philosophy of mind to sociology of sports. The chapters show not only that (...)
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    Emotion drives attention: detecting the snake in the grass.Arne Öhman, Anders Flykt & Francisco Esteves - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):466.
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    Authentic Leadership and Improved Individual Performance: Affective Commitment and Individual Creativity’s Sequential Mediation.Ana Patrícia Duarte, Neuza Ribeiro, Ana Suzete Semedo & Daniel Roque Gomes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Authentic leadership has become increasingly important in the literature, attracting the attention of many scholars in the last decade. This study adopted an employee-centered perspective to guide its examination of the relationship between authentic leadership and individual performance and investigation of the sequential mediation of employees’ affective commitment and individual creativity. An analysis was conducted of data collected from 214 employees working in different business sectors. The results reveal a statistically significant positive relationship between authentic leadership and employees’ workplace performance, (...)
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  10. Pragmatic Hypotheses in the Evolution of Science.Julio Michael Stern, Luis Gustavo Esteves, Rafael Izbicki & Rafael Stern - 2019 - Entropy 21 (9):1-17.
    This paper introduces pragmatic hypotheses and relates this concept to the spiral of scientific evolution. Previous works determined a characterization of logically consistent statistical hypothesis tests and showed that the modal operators obtained from this test can be represented in the hexagon of oppositions. However, despite the importance of precise hypothesis in science, they cannot be accepted by logically consistent tests. Here, we show that this dilemma can be overcome by the use of pragmatic versions of precise hypotheses. These pragmatic (...)
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    Knowing the past affectively: Screen media and the evocation of intergenerational trauma.Ana Dragojlović - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 17 (1):119-133.
    This article explores the relationship between the affective intensities of screen media and its potential to serve as an affective force for the transmission of intergenerational trauma. I explore how watching a documentary portraying historical atrocities that preceded the birth of the documentary’s viewers yet affected their lives in profound ways, is one of the manifold engagements in genealogy and memory work that seeks to know the past affectively. My focus is on Indisch viewers whose relatives suffered through various atrocities (...)
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  12. Ācārāṅga kā nītiśāstrīya adhyayana. Priyadarśanā - 1995 - Vārāṇasī: Pārśvanātha Vidyāpīṭha.
    Study of ethics in Ācārāṅga, Jaina canonical text.
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    The face of wrath: The role of features and configurations in conveying social threat.Daniel Lundqvist, Francisco Esteves & Arne Öhman - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (2):161-182.
  14. Compêndio de Epistemologia.Rogel Esteves de Oliveira, Kátia Martins Etcheverry, Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues & Carlos Augusto Sartori (eds.) - 2022 - Editora Fi.
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    Editorial: Enactivism and active inference in the therapeutic alliance.Patrice Duquette, Francesco Cerritelli & Jorge E. Esteves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Indigenous Development and the Cultural Captivity of Entrepreneurship.Ana María Peredo & Murdith McLean - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (4):592-620.
    This article argues that thinking about entrepreneurship as a potential instrument for relief from endemic poverty and disadvantage, especially among the Indigenous, has all too often been captive to a concept of entrepreneurship that is built out of constrained economic and cultural assumptions. The authors develop this argument from a critical discussion of contributions by Karl Polanyi and Robert Heilbroner. The result is that approaches to venture have been encouraged that are sometimes a poor fit for the circumstances of those (...)
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    Organ Donation, Brain Death and the Family: Valid Informed Consent.Ana S. Iltis - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):369-382.
    I argue that valid informed consent is ethically required for organ donation from individuals declared dead using neurological criteria. Current policies in the U.S. do not require this and, not surprisingly, current practices inhibit the possibility of informed consent. Relevant information is withheld, opportunities to ensure understanding and appreciation are extremely limited, and the ability to make and communicate a free and voluntary decision is hindered by incomplete disclosure and other practices. Current practices should be revised to facilitate valid informed (...)
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    Non-Deterministic Matrices: Theory and Applications to Algebraic Semantics.Ana Claudia de Jesus Golzio - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):260-261.
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    Mulheres em diáspora: a presença árabe-palestina na fronteira Brasil-Uruguai.Márcia Esteves de Calazans & Emilia Piñeiro - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):106-128.
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    Women in diaspora: the arab-palestinian presence on the Brazil-Uruguay border.Márcia Esteves de Calazans & Emilia Piñeiro - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):104-125.
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    Mulheres Negras Não Foram Feitas Para Carregar Livros: Tensionamento e Resposta Social Em Rede Na Feira Pan-Amazônica Do Livro No Pará.Rosaly de Seixas Brito, Lorena Cruz Esteves & Jússia Carvalho da Silva Ventura - 2019 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 6 (1):106-125.
    Este trabalho analisa a repercussão social do cartaz do “Salão do Livro da Região Sul e Sudeste do Pará”, evento da Feira Pan-Amazônica do Livro de 2018, para compreender como o processo de resposta social (BRAGA, 2006) impôs uma mudança institucional por parte da Secretaria de Cultura do Estado. O país homenageado foi a Colômbia e a peça de divulgação destacava uma mulher negra carregando livros na cabeça, representação das palenqueras. O fato gerou repercussão nas redes sociais e na mídia (...)
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  22. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Ana Marta González - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1):23 - 36.
    The contemporary confluence of globalization and ethical pluralism is at the origin of many ethical challenges that confront business nowadays, both in practice and in theory. One of the challenges arising from the development of globalization has to do with respect for cultural diversity. It is often said that the success of economic globalization tends towards social and cultural homogeneity. To the extent that cultural diversity is usually seen as a valuable reality, that global trend seems to contradict our efforts (...)
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    “Oh! Teleworking!” Regimes of engagement and the lived experience of female Spanish teleworkers.Ana Gálvez, Francisco Tirado & Jose M. Alcaraz - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):180-192.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Mapping Concepts and Issues in the Ethics of the Commons: Introduction to the Special Issue.Ana María Peredo, Helen M. Haugh, Marek Hudon & Camille Meyer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):659-672.
    We introduce the papers in this special issue by providing an overarching perspective on the variety in kinds of commons and the ethical issues stemming from their diversity. Despite a long history of local commons management, recent decades have witnessed a surge of scholarly interest in the concept of “the commons,” including a growing management literature. This swell was impelled especially by Garrett Hardin’s paper of 1968, and the body of work generated by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues. However, the (...)
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  25. Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Luisa Pedrosa, Letícia Bitencourt, Ana Cláudia Fontoura Fróes, Maria Luíza Barreto Cazumbá, Ramon Gustavo Bernardino Campos, Stephanie Bruna Camilo Soares de Brito & Ana Cristina Simões E. Silva - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Performance-based tests versus behavioral ratings in the assessment of executive functioning in preschoolers: associations with ADHD symptoms and reading achievement.Ana Miranda, Carla Colomer, Jessica Mercader, M. Inmaculada Fernández & M. Jesús Presentación - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Prošireno jastvo i identitet kroz vrijeme.Ana Grgić & Marina Novina - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):65-76.
    U ovom članku raspravljamo o hipotezi proširenog jastva Andyja Clarka i Davida Chalmersa, a osobito o prigovoru prema kojemu proširenom jastvu nedostaje stabilnost i kontinuitet koji su potrebni da bismo ga smatrali identičnim kroz vrijeme. Pokušavamo pokazati da je taj prigovor neodrživ. Raspravljamo i o gledištu prema kojemu se drugi tip jastva, to jest narativno jastvo, također može shvatiti kao prošireno, i tvrdimo da stabilnost i kontinuitet toga tipa jastva također nisu ugroženi ako ga proširimo izvan granica čovjekova tijela. Stoga, (...)
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    Emotional valence and contextual affordances flexibly shape approach-avoidance movements.Ana Carolina Saraiva, Friederike Schüür & Sven Bestmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Kant on Culture, Happiness and Civilization.Ana Marta González - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book joins the contemporary recovery of Kant’s empirical works to highlight the relevance of his concept of culture for understanding the sources of various characteristic modern dilemmas, such as the tension between culture and happiness, the morally ambivalent nature of cultural progress, or the existing conflicts between a factual plurality of cultures and the historical forces pressing toward a universal civilization. The book will be of special interest for Kantian scholars, moral and political philosophers, as well as philosophers of (...)
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    Kant and a culture of freedom.Ana Marta González - 2010 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 96 (3):291-308.
    The expression “a culture of freedom” is unmistakably modern. Yet its meaning is not immediately clear. My purpose in this paper is to clarify the possible meaning of this expression by taking Kant’s practical philosophy as a point of reference. In order to do so, I will depart from Kant’s explicit conception of culture, and try to relate it to his own distinction between external and internal freedom, especially as it appears in the Metaphysics of Morals.
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    Instruction to forget lead to emotional devaluation.Ana B. Vivas, Alejandra Marful, Despina Panagiotidou & Teresa Bajo - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):85-91.
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  32. Families and Medical Decisions to Assume Risks for the Benefit of Others.Ana Iltis - 2015 - In Ruiping Fan (ed.), Family-Oriented Informed Consent: East Asian and American Perspectives. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    As super-heroínas das história em quadrinhos e as relações de gênero.Gelson Vanderlei Weschenfelder & Ana Colling - 2011 - Dialogos 15 (2).
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  34. Non-deterministic algebras and algebraization of logics.Ana Claudia Golzio & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2015 - Filosofia da Linguagem E da Lógica (Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Logic, in Portuguese).
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  35. The Problem of Contraries and Prime Matter in the Reception of Aristotle’s Physical Corpus in the Work of Thomas Aquinas.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Svmma Revista de Cultures Medievals 7:20-39.
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  36. Koncept evolucije muzike u teorijama Herberta Spensera i Čarlsa Darvina.Ana Petrov - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):253-273.
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    Ilia, y el camino de la felicidad.Ana Timonet Pérez - 2017 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):151-154.
    Este trabajo es el ganador de la III Olimpiada de Filosofía que organiza FICUM en la modalidad de secundaria. Ana Timonet presentó su particular respuesta a la pregunta por el camino de la felicidad.
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  38. Metaphors.Ana Pasztor - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2):317-350.
    The purpose of this paper is to contextualize the study of metaphors within constructivist-informed research, in the hope that this process will orient cognitive scientists to the usefulness of implementing qualitative research methodologies, especially to using the person of the researcher as the primary research instrument. First, I explore some of the differences between Johnson and Lakoff’s Contemporary Metaphor Theory (CMT) and approaches evolving from it on one hand, and the clinical approach to metaphor based on a constructivist therapy model, (...)
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    Asociaciones entre la depresión materna y el desarrollo neuroconductual de los niños.Ana Paula Parada, Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende, Juliana Arantes Figueiredo de Paula Eduardo, Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo, Heloisa Bettiol, Ricardo Cavalli, Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Cristina Marta Del Ben - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:236-251.
    We investigated the influence of maternal depression (MD) on the communication and motor dimensions of child neurodevelopment, by a longitudinal and descriptive study. We assessed 1,555 mother-baby dyads from two Brazilian cities with discrepant sociodemographic characteristics: Ribeirão Preto (RP) (N=663) and São Luís (SL) (N=892). MD during pregnancy and at the second year of child´s life was assessed, respectively, through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-CES-D (≥24) and the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale-EPDS (≥12). Child development was assessed through the (...)
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    Institutions, Principles and Judgement: The Relevance of the Natural Law Tradition for Articulating Business in a Global Context.Ana Marta González - 2015 - Pensamiento y Cultura 18 (2):49-74.
    In this article I argue the relevance of natural law for framing and addressing ethical issues raised by the practice of business in a global context. There are historical, as well as systematic reasons for this. On the historical side, it can be argued that the origin of modern economics is linked to a cultural context, still influenced by modern natural law theories. Thus, even if Hume’s moral theory is everything but a natural law theory, either in the traditional or (...)
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    Do texto dissertativo-argumentativo à autoavaliação: o processo ensino e aprendizagem e a construção da argumentação e da cidadania.Ana Cecilia Teixeira Gonçalvez, Jeize de Fátima Batista & Laura Schmitt Pereira - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):120-131.
    Este artigo apresenta uma prática pedagógica realizada no Estágio Curricular Supervisionado II do Curso de Letras - Português e Espanhol na Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) campus Cerro Largo. O estágio foi desenvolvido em uma turma de segundo ano de uma escola pública de Ensino Médio, com duração de 16 horas. O plano de aula trabalhou o texto dissertativo-argumentativo através da temática “Regulamentação das Redes Sociais” baseado no método de Sequência Didática (Dolz, Noverraz, Schneuwly, 2004). Essa ferramenta didática consiste (...)
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    The Effect of Right Temporal Lobe Gliomas on Left and Right Hemisphere Neural Processing During Speech Perception and Production Tasks.Adam Kenji Yamamoto, Ana Sanjuán, Rebecca Pope, Oiwi Parker Jones, Thomas M. H. Hope, Susan Prejawa, Marion Oberhuber, Laura Mancini, Justyna O. Ekert, Andrea Garjardo-Vidal, Megan Creasey, Tarek A. Yousry, David W. Green & Cathy J. Price - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:803163.
    Using fMRI, we investigated how right temporal lobe gliomas affecting the posterior superior temporal sulcus alter neural processing observed during speech perception and production tasks. Behavioural language testing showed that three pre-operative neurosurgical patients with grade 2, grade 3 or grade 4 tumours had the same pattern of mild language impairment in the domains of object naming and written word comprehension. When matching heard words for semantic relatedness (a speech perception task), these patients showed under-activation in the tumour infiltrated right (...)
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    La filosofía kantiana como filosofía de la cultura.Ana Marta González - 2014 - Isegoría 51:691-708.
    Además del concepto explícito de cultura como perfeccionamiento de la naturaleza, que podemos reconocer en muchos lugares del corpus kantiano, la entera empresa crítica puede considerarse cultura en un sentido más profundo: cultura como proyección de una subjetividad que busca en la naturaleza los indicios del destino racional y moral del hombre. Según esto, la filosofía kantiana puede verse como una filosofía de la cultura, posible, en última instancia, por la reflexividad de la razón, que advierte sus propios intereses, y (...)
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    Editors’ Note.James M. DuBois, Ana S. Iltis & Heidi A. Walsh - 2022 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 12 (2):vii-viii.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editors’ NoteJames M. DuBois, Ana S. Iltis, and Heidi A. WalshFrom childhood, David Slakter had undergone tests and invasive procedures to monitor his nephritis. It was not a surprise when in 2015, doctors told him he needed a kidney transplant. The wife of a childhood friend was a close match and gave him one of her kidneys. Before his transplant, aerobic exercise was difficult; a few months after transplant, (...)
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    Robert Kirk , The Conceptual Link From Physical to Mental. Reviewed by.Ana K. Diaz - 2014 - Philosophy in Review 34 (5):234-236.
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    The nature and value of vagueness in the law: by Hrafn Asgeirsson, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020, 216 pp., £58.50 (hardback), ISBN 9781849466066.Ana Escher - 2021 - Jurisprudence 12 (4):612-619.
    If a sound philosophical curiosity as to what might possibly drive the lawmaker to employ vague words in normative drafting brought you to this book, y...
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    Um contraexemplo à originariedade das razões em What we Owe to Each Other.Ana Falcato - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (39):719.
    No seu livro de 1998 — What we owe to each other — T. M. Scanlon defendeu sistematicamente que a noção de “razão” é primitiva e não definível noutros termos quando se trata de explicar um curso de acção moralmente relevante. Suportando o seu argumento num modelo muito intuitivo para pensar o que são razões em termos de racionalidade prática, Scanlon defende que qualquer explicação conduz sempre à mesma ideia: uma razão é uma consideração que conta em favor de algo. (...)
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    ¿Qué hay de nuevo? Literatura E innovación en Los '90: César Aira.Ana Flores - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 2.
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  49. Paulo Freire : a boniteza na minha vida.Ana Maria Araújo Freire - 2021 - In A palavra boniteza na leitura de mundo de Paulo Freire. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
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    Wayne Bowman and.Ana Lucia Frega - 2012 - In Wayne D. Bowman & Ana Lucía Frega (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education. Oup Usa.
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